Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In The Eye of The Beholder Themesong

MC Jin:
請大家而家聽清楚 呢個古仔或者已經聽過
Cheng tai ga yi ga teng cheng cho Nei go gu jai waak je yi ging teng gwo
Everyone, please listen clearly now Perhaps you’ve heard of this story before
但係我就會用rap介紹 一位高人o黎自明朝
Daan hai ngo jau wui yung rap gaai siu Yat wai gou yan o lai ji ming chiu
But I’ll use rap to introduce it A famous man originating from Ming Dynasty
因為佢屬虎 所以嗌唐伯虎 唔係斷估
Yan wai heui suk fu Suo yi aai tong baak fu Ng hai dyun gu
Because he’s born in the Year of Tiger So it’s not a pure guess that he’s called Tong Bak Fu
江南四大才子之首 佢去到邊fans跟佢走
Gong naam sei daai choi ji ji sau Heui heui dou bin fans gan heui jau
The head of Jiangnan’s 4 big scholars No matter where he goes, his fans will follow after him
男女都咁受歡迎 有人就話佢好多情
Naam neui dou gam sau fun ying Yau yan jau wa jeui jou do ching
Very popular among the males and females Someone said that he’s very flirtatious
考狀元雖然冇出貓 但係考考嚇都訓著覺
Haau jong yun seui yin mou cheut maay Daan hai haau dou fan jeuk gaau
Though he didn’t cheat during the imperial examinations But some while into the exam, he fell asleep
你或者覺得佢傻傻地 但係你根本唔明佢心理
Nei waak je gaau dak heui so so dei Daan hai nei gan bun ng ming heui sam lei
Perhaps you feel that he’s quite silly But you actually don’t understand how he feels

情人談情話 過節要送花 古今都喜愛吧
Ching yan taam ching wa Gwo jit yiu sing fa Gu gam dou hei ngoi ba
Lovers go on a romantic date Giving flowers during festivals No matter whether it’s the past or present, it’s still the favorite
緣來緣留下 世世你我她 就像兩生花
Yun loi yun lau ha Sai sai nei ngo ta Jau jeung leung saang fa
When fate comes, it stays For every reincarnation, it’s you, me and her Just like a double-life flower
情人如仇敵 愛上你太激 芳心必需要覓
Ching yan yu sau dik Ngoi seung nei taai gik Fong sam bit seui yiu mik
A lover is just like an enemy Falling in love with you is too exciting Need to look for my true love
情場從無敵 卻要轉角色 力敵美艷女色
Ching cheung chung mou dik Keuk yiu jyun gok sik Lik dik mei yim neui sik
There’s never a love rival But need to do a change in roles Defeating all the other beauties

MC Jin:
講識女仔伯虎係無數 去到邊都左擁右抱
Gong sik neui jai baak fu hai mou sou Heui dou bin dou jo yung yau pou
Talking about befriending ladies, Bak Fu has countless experiences No matter where he goes, he has two ladies in his arms
但係咁多對象冇一個了解佢 所以佢仍然覺得咁空虛
Daan hai gam do deui jeung mou yat go liu gaai heui So yi heui ying yin gaau dak gam hung heui
But among so many ladies, none truly understands him So he still feels very empty within him
直至到佢認識秋香 但係秋香又覺得佢好"娘"
Jik ji dou heui yab sik chau heung Daan hai chau heung yau gaau dak heui hou "neung"
Right until he befriends Chau Heung But Chau Heung feels that he’s very sissy
為o左秋香佢乜都制 混入華府做o左人o地奴隸
wai o jo chau heung heui mat dou zhi Wan yap fa fu jou o jo yan o dei nou dai
For Chau Heung, he’s willing to do anything Infiltrate into Wah household and be someone’s slave
唉 咁就中o左美人計 但係佢最想做人世
Aai Gam jau jung o jo mei yan gai Daan hai heui jeui seung jou yan sai
Sigh, falling into a beauty’s trap just like that But he wishes to spend his entire life with her
呢個美人真係冇心肝 不停o係度咁玩華安
nei go mei yan jan hai mou sam gon Bat ting o hai dou gam waan fa ngon
This beauty really has no sympathy Continually fooling Wah On around
rap到呢度係時候閃 夠鐘睇秋香怒點
Rap dou nei fou hai si hau sim Gau jung tai chau heung nou dim
Rap until here, it’s time to go It’s time to watch Chau Heung’s anger enlightenment

Chinese lyrics Credits: to aZnangel @
English lyrics Credits: to Kim Leng @, psycho0805

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