sam hiu
迷惑太多 能望見太多 明白太少
mai waak taai do nang mong gin taai do ming baak taai siu
Too much confusion; can see too much; understand too little
預計長夜深 終於天曉
預計長夜深 終於天曉
yu gai cheung ye sam jung yu tin hiu
The expected long and dark night finally breaks into dawn
暗黑的心 才最叵測 難料
暗黑的心 才最叵測 難料
am haak dik sam choi jeui po chaak naan liu
Pitch-black hearts are the ones most unfathomable; unpredictable
同伴太多 沿路過太多 留下太少
同伴太多 沿路過太多 留下太少
tung bun taai do yun lou gwo dai do lau ha taai siu
Too many companions, too many along the way, too few stay behind
別算人或妖 鬼影 心竅
別算人或妖 鬼影 心竅
bit syun yan waak yiu gwai yeng sam hiu
Never mind whether humans or demons; ghost shadows the intellect*.
有酒今宵 讓最困擾 忘掉
有酒今宵 讓最困擾 忘掉
yau jau gam siu yeung jeui kwan yiu mong jaau
Have wine tonight, let the troubles be forgotten
如夢初醒 明明還在笑怎麼哭了
如夢初醒 明明還在笑怎麼哭了
yu mung cho seng ming ming syun joi siu jam ma hok liu
As if awakening from a dream, Was obviously laughing, how come now crying. 鏡中緣 霧裡花 最假的 才越心跳
geng jung yun mou leui fa jeui ga dik choi yut sam tiu
Destiny in a mirror, flowers in the mist; the more illusionary, the faster the heart beats
Destiny in a mirror, flowers in the mist; the more illusionary, the faster the heart beats
如夢不醒 明明流淚了怎麼失笑
yu mung bat seng ming ming lau leui liu jam ma sat siu
As if in a dream, can’t awaken, Was obviously crying, how come now laughing despite oneself.
怨很長 恨太多 唯愛太少
怨很長 恨太多 唯愛太少
yun han cheung han taai do wai ngoi taai siu
Too much grievances, too much hate, only love alone is too little.
Chinese lyrics Credits: http://www.steven-ma...ad.php?tid=2556
English lyrics Credits: to Tamaya @ http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/719432-themesong-for-ghost-writer/
English lyrics Credits: to Tamaya @ http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/719432-themesong-for-ghost-writer/
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