老友狗狗 《老友狗狗》 主題曲 - 馬浚偉 & 鍾嘉欣
*kei deng cho deng baai kwo pose
Stand still, sit still, strike a pose
dou wui gan ngo gam gaau yat ji
You will feel the same as me
heung chin heung hau heung yau heung jo
Go straight, go back, to the right, to the left
你也始終stand by me
nei ya chi jung stand by me
You will eventually stand by me
pou jyu deui jyu ngau ha sau ji
Hugging each other, facing each other, hook our fingers together
ji yiu ji yiu dak ngo jung yi
As long as, as long as, I like it
yau si mou si siu hyu heui gong daai ji
Something going on, nothing going on, smiling talk about ambition
syun ngo mei gau sau
One can say that I’m not skinny (slim) enough
ji man yit ching yik daap gau
Though in my opinion, my passion makes up for it
用冇姿整 伴你通處走
yung mou ji jing bun nei tung jau
Not worried about how I look, accompany you everywhere
sai gaai daai bin jau
The world changes tremendously
jok yaat wai chyun jin yau
Yesterday’s village friend (**meaning: friend who went through thick and thin together)
純樸 世間罕有
seun buk sai gaan hon yau
Plain and simple, very rare in the world
像勇字 于心頭 付出所有
jeung yung ji yu sam tau fu cheut so yau
Like the word Brave, from the heart, give it your all
這老友狗狗 咪太早抖
je lou yau gau gau mai taai jou dau
This good friend dog, don’t tremble too early
未寄望 搶風頭 贏取報酬
mei gei mong cheung fung tau yeng cheui bou chau
Doesn’t wish to flaunt anything in order to win anything in return
fai faat nang leung daai yu jau
Demonstrate its ability in great heaven and earth
淚與汗其實不怕流 危險關頭
leui yu hon kei sat bat pa lau ngai hin gwan tau
Actually not worried about tears or sweat, in a dangerous situation
只有你這位 知心友
jek yau nei je wai ji sam yau
There’s only you, a friend who knows my heart
陪住我身邊 就夠
pui jyu ngo san bin jau gau
As long as you are by my side, that is enough
Mandarin Words credits: to hyn5 @ http://hyn5-hyn5.blogspot.com
English Meaning credits: to llwy12 @ http://www.asianfanatics.net
"Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 (Full Version)
2 days ago
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