Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Rippling Blossom Themesong

Actually How Deep Is the Ocean - Julian Cheung

Tin yiu syut wa yeung cheng fung choi chui
夢要堅持 我總不後退
Mung yiu gin ci Ngo jung bat hau teui
天闊宇宙 日出的暖光 折射心裏
Tin fut yu jau Yat chut dik nyun gwong Jit yik sam leui
心要跳動 就飛奔去追
Sam yiu tiu dung Jau fei ban heui jeui

覓到心靈 最相通伴侶
Mik dou sam leng Jeui seung tung pun leui
只要對住 什麼都覺得 有樂趣
Ji yiu deui jyu Sam mo dou gaau dak Yau lok cheui

*究竟水裏邊 有幾深與淺
Gau ging seui lui bin Yau gei sam yu chin
究竟心裏邊 有幾多理想 不改變
Gau ging sam leui bin Yau gei do lei seung Bat goi bin
愛得起這天 記得起昨天
Ngoi dak hei je tin Gei dak hei jok tin
再可肩併肩 世間中探險
Joi ho gin bing gin Sai gaan jung taam him
感覺像 第一天 又初見
Gam gaau jeung Dai yat tin Yau cho gin

Jung wui pung jeuk bou dung ga yu seui
但我堅持 永不倒下去
Dan ngo gin chi Wing bat dou ha heui
天要塌下 就將這被窩 蓋住心碎
Tin jiu taap ha Jau jeung je pei wo Goi jyu sam seui
總有未完 夢想可以追
Jung yau mei yun Mung seung ho yu jeui
讓我單純 投入在生活裏
Yeung ngo daan seun Tau yap jeui saang wut leui
歡笑眼淚 未改寫信心 愛下去
Fun siu ngaan leui Mei goi se seun sam Ngoi ha heui

Repeat *

Jung wui pung jeuk bou fung ga yu seui
但我堅強 永不倒下去
Dan ngo gin keung Wing bat dou ha heui
天要塌下 就將這被窩 蓋住心碎
Tin yiu taap ha Jau jeung je pei wo Gap jyu sam seui
總有未完 夢想可以追
Jung yau mei yun Mung seung ho yu jeui
讓我單純 投入在生活裏
Yeung ngo daan seun Tau yap joi saang wut leui
歡笑眼淚 未改寫信心 愛下去
Fun siu ngaan leui Mei goi se seun sam Ngoi ha heui

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Growing Through Life Theme Song

So Wai Lei Seung
So-called Ideal

曾經趕不上 至立心趕上
Chang ging gon bat seung Ji laap sam gon seung
Once fall behind, until I decided to catch up
迷失中走過 才認清方向
Mai sat jung jau gwo Choi ying cheng fong heung
Once walked when lost, then see clearly of directions
從舊時天真 漸變成一臉倔強
Chung gau si tin jan Jim bin seng yat lim gwat keung
From being naive before to now stubborn
Seui yau loi teng sam dik seung
Who would come to listen pain from my heart?

如果真的愛 其實我善良
Yu gwo jan dik ngoi Kei sat ngo sin leung
If it really is love, in fact I'm kind-hearted
如果真的痛 流淚也平常
Yu gwo jan dik tung Lau leui ya peng seung
It it really hurts, it's normal to cry
隨遇而安好 還要贏一次硬仗
Cheui yu yi ngon hou Waan yiu yeng yat chi ngaang jeung
Good to adapt to everything, still need to win a hard battle
Seui yau loi yung sam yan seung
Who will appreciate with his heart?

Naan dou hoi bat hoi sam dik dou tung yeung
Is it the same whether I'm happy or not
Choi ching dak seung si yau yeung
can be called self-cultivated
從一開始不反抗 一生不可反抗
Chung yat hoi chi bat faan kong Yat saang bat ho faan kong
From won't resist in the beginning to cannot resist my whole life
Jam mo ho gam sam je yeung
how am I willing to let it be like this?

回望 彼此扭曲的模樣
Wui mong Bei chi nau kuk dik mou yeung
Looking back at our distorted faces
Wai sat dik ping meng jeui seung
Trying our best to catch up the loss
還想不想犧牲我 想不想犧牲愛
Waan seung bat seung hei saang ngo Seung bat seung hei saang ngoi
Still want to sacrifice me or not, want to sacrifice love or not
堅守這一些所謂 理想
Gin sau je yat se so wai Lei seung
to stick with these so called dreams

成功這麽近 才越戰越強
Seng gung je mo kan Choi yut jin yut keung
Success is this close by, the more I fight stronger I get
回憶這麽遠 忘掉也平常
Wui yik je mo yun Mong diu ya peng seung
Memories are this far away, it's normal to forget
期望無止境 直到良知也奉上
Kei mong mou ji ging Jik dou leung ji ya fung seung
Endless hope, until I enclosed my intuitive knowledge

Seui joi fu mun san dik seung
who cares about the injuries all over my body?

Naan dou hoi bat hoi sam dik dou tung yeung
Is it the same whether I'm happy or not
Choi ching dak seung si yau yeung
can be called self-cultivated
從一開始不反抗 一生不可反抗
Chung yat hoi chi bat faan kong Yat saang bat ho faan kong
From won't resist in the beginning to cannot resist my whole life
Jam mo ho gam sam je yeung
how am I willing to let it be like this?

回望 彼此扭曲的模樣
Wui mong Bei chi nau kuk dik mou yeung
Looking back at our distorted faces
Wai sat dik ping meng jeui seung
Trying our best to catch up the loss
還想不想犧牲我 想不想犧牲愛
Waan seung bat seung hei saang ngo Seung bat seung hei saang ngoi
Still want to sacrifice me or not, want to sacrifice love or not
堅守這一些所謂 理想
Gin sau je yat se so wai Lei seung
to stick with these so called dreams

Credits: to Kay @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com

Growing Through Life Synopsis

HOI SING (Raymond Lam) and his mother HO WAI-SUM (Lui Yau Wai) have been running a domestic appliance manufacturing factory. SING's uncle HOI LEUNG (Lau Chung Yan) is a money-minded snob who has been seeking to acquire the factory by whatever means necessary. LEUNG's wife CHENG MING-CHU (Cecilia Yip) and daughter HOI MEI-SZ (Toby Leung) many failed attempts to intercede for SING finally succeeds when they convince the man to put the acquisition on hold.

Eager to covet the plant site, LEUNG places a spy FONG LAI-KING (Zhao Ziqi) in the factory to make a menace of himself. To convince LEUNG to give up on his acquisition plan, SUM reveals a long-kept secret. SING on the other hand invites his friend CHUNG LAM-TAI (Bosco Wong) to join his factory as an ally to the family business.

As it turns out TAI turns the table on his so—called ally and betrays him in the process. To top it off, his fiancée CHUK YIU-KWAN (Song Wen Fei) calls off their wedding. The cold reality eventually forces the lad to retaliate with bold determination, forcing commercial strategies upon his next of kin.

Credits: http://www.astro.com.my/content_epg/articles/art_1921.html

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Pillow of Mystery II Themesong

講一半點會清楚 知一半點去揣摩
Gong yat bun din wui ching cho Ji yat bun dim heui chyun mo
Saying half of it, how can it be clear? Only knowing half of it, how to figure it out?
尚未能一語道破 猜謎會猜錯
Seung mei nang yat yu dou po Chaai mai wui chaai cho
Still cannot hit the nail on the head. Guessing can be wrong..
一知半解最坎坷 天機怕洩露太多
Yat ji bun gaai jeui han ho Tin gei pa yai lau taai do
It's the roughest to know one and understand half. Afraid mysteries known only by the heaven are exposing too much.
激起我心裡猛火 將謎語擊破
Gik hei ngo sam leui mang fo Jeung maai yu gik po
It provoke passion in my heart. Breaking the puzzle

難題多 但百密亦有一疏 錯麼
Naan tai do Daan baak mat yik yau yat so Cho ma
Too many difficulties. But still imperfect sometimes. enough?
無人可 做錯仍隻手遮天 過火 (不容你玩我)
Mou yan ho Jou cho ying jek sau je tin Gwo fo (Bat yung nei waan ngo)
No one can, still cover the sky with his hand even when he done wrong. go too far (won't let you play me)
機密太多 竟被我篤爆咗 (篤爆咗)
Gei maat taai do Ging bei ngo duk baau jo (duk baau jo)
Too many secrets, I actually revealed them all (revealed them all)
Fai ji bat ho baau fo
But paper can wrap fire
隱瞞我麼 忽然更清楚 (清楚)
Yan mun ngo ma Fat yin gang ching cho (Ching cho)
Trying to hide them from me, suddenly I understand more
你低估我就傻 傻左
Nei dai gu ngo jau so So jo
You're foolish for underestimating me, fooled

Chinese lyrics Credits: aZnangel @ http://www.asianeu.net/forums
English lyrics Credits:

A Pillow of Mystery II

After a radical change in life, SZE SAI-LUN (Au Yeung Chun Wah) becomes dispirited with the political world and spends most of his time travelling around in search of fun. Along the way, he meets a spirit medium, NG KWAN-YAU (Hsuan Jessica Hester), who somehow gets caught up in a mysterious murder case. It is not LUN’s intention to intervene at first, but with the fortuitous assistance from the pillow spirit NGAU TAI-LIK (Lee Sze Chit), he can finally crack the case and prove YAU’s innocence. LUN has his confidence back and pledges to continue his fight for justice. As time progresses, LUN and YAU get to know each other better and gradually fall in love. LUN finally decides to get over the past and marry the girl. He enjoys his married life so much but gets frustrated at work sometimes - LIK’s power turns out not to be as strong as expected, which ends up with a lot of misleading clues being given. Amidst the various challenges of his new life, LUN realizes that YAU seems to have something to hide and that there is a malicious plot behind their marriage. Knowing that the couple have fallen out, LUN’s mother has found him a new wife, LUK SIU-TIP (Leila Tong). Out of the blue, TIP has also come with ill intentions. LUN is plunged into a complex web of intrigue and things seem to be getting on top of him...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ghost Writer Themesong

sam hiu

迷惑太多 能望見太多 明白太少
mai waak taai do nang mong gin taai do ming baak taai siu
Too much confusion; can see too much; understand too little
預計長夜深 終於天曉
yu gai cheung ye sam jung yu tin hiu
The expected long and dark night finally breaks into dawn
暗黑的心 才最叵測 難料
am haak dik sam choi jeui po chaak naan liu
Pitch-black hearts are the ones most unfathomable; unpredictable

同伴太多 沿路過太多 留下太少
tung bun taai do yun lou gwo dai do lau ha taai siu
Too many companions, too many along the way, too few stay behind
別算人或妖 鬼影 心竅
bit syun yan waak yiu gwai yeng sam hiu
Never mind whether humans or demons; ghost shadows the intellect*.
有酒今宵 讓最困擾 忘掉
yau jau gam siu yeung jeui kwan yiu mong jaau
Have wine tonight, let the troubles be forgotten

如夢初醒 明明還在笑怎麼哭了
yu mung cho seng ming ming syun joi siu jam ma hok liu
As if awakening from a dream, Was obviously laughing, how come now crying.
鏡中緣 霧裡花 最假的 才越心跳
geng jung yun mou leui fa jeui ga dik choi yut sam tiu
Destiny in a mirror, flowers in the mist; the more illusionary, the faster the heart beats

如夢不醒 明明流淚了怎麼失笑
yu mung bat seng ming ming lau leui liu jam ma sat siu
As if in a dream, can’t awaken, Was obviously crying, how come now laughing despite oneself.
怨很長 恨太多 唯愛太少
yun han cheung han taai do wai ngoi taai siu
Too much grievances, too much hate, only love alone is too little.

Ghost Writer

PO CHUNG-LING (Steven Ma) was born in Jinan a family of New Year print. He is very bright, his father, PO POON (Yueh Hua), has therefore always hoped that he could one day carry on the family business. LING, mistakenly thinks that POON is working in collusion with some corrupt officials, refuses to listen to what his father says. His good friend, KO JIT (Chan Kam Hung), is a constable and he hates corrupt officials as much as LING does. Rumor has it that a fox spirit is creating troubles in Jinan. LING is almost killed when he is investigating into the matter with JIT. Fortunately, a mysterious girl named LING WU SIU-TSUI (Fala Chen) comes to his rescue in the nick of time. It turns out later that she is the fox spirit, and that she saves LING so as to return a past favor. As they spend more and more time together, TSUI starts to fall for LING.

The PO family has secured a large order of New Year print. To ensure the work can be finished in time they have to hire a large numbers of female workers. LAU SUM-YU (Linda Chung) applies for the job, but her real intention is to look for the man who was unfaithful to her sister, never knowing that she would later be caught in a love triangle with LING and JIT.

Credits: http://www.astro.com.my/epg/programme.php?id=253087